A booking can have the following status:
Request: A Traveller makes a booking request for specific travel dates.
Accepted: An Advertiser has accepted the booking request for the specific travel dates. The Traveller now has 72 hours to confirm the booking by paying the first instalment.
Confirmed: The Traveller has paid the first instalment and thereby confirmed the booking. Cancellation fees will now apply.
Expired: Once the Advertiser has accepted the Traveller's reservation request, you have 72 hours to confirm it by making the required payment, otherwise the request will automatically expire.
Auto-cancelled: An Advertiser has 48 hours to respond to a booking request before it is automatically cancelled. We recommend sending booking requests to several Advertisers to ensure that at least one is accepted!
Rejected: The Advertiser rejects the booking request.
Cancelled: A booking has been cancelled by the Advertiser or Traveller. Cancellation fees may apply depending on the circumstances surrounding the cancellation.