If you believe a payment for a booking is late there may be several explanations for this. It is therefore important to check the following when expecting a payment.
- Have you made sure that your bank details are correct? Make sure your details have been added and verified so that the payment can be sent to you.
- Make sure you take note of the date on which you are meant to be sent the payment (payment is released 24 hours after the booking begins, but could take between 2 - 5 business days to reach your account).
- The payment may not be under the name Goboony but our payment provider, Stripe.
Please note that payment processing times exclude weekends & public holidays. For example, if a booking starts on Thursday but Friday & Monday are public holidays, then the 1st working day will be on Tuesday.
If none of the above applies, please contact Goboony support so that we can help resolve the matter.